Join the Webinar

Post Trade Operating Risk in Financial Markets - The Need for Real-time Visibility and Control

Sept 12th at 3pm UK | 10am EST
For: Risk Professionals
Length: Approx 30mins

Led by industry experts we will be discussing:

  • The operating risk challenges that recent market events (both financial and non-financial) have generated
  • How prepared is the market currently to tackle future events
  • What action is being taken by financial institutions and the benefits of getting this right
  • How future events could be more effectively managed through the deployment of technology solutions in a way that is both economical and effective.

This event will be kindly hosted at the Delta Capita offices in London.

We invite you to register now to secure your place.

Meet Our Speakers

Nick Wilcock
  Director, Head of Non-Financial Risk
Ross Dilworth
Chief Problem Solver
Alex Knight
Head of EMEA
RDX Strategy
Baton Systems