Core-Payments® - Real-time payments insight and payment control

Complete, real-time visibility and orchestrated control of all wholesale payments and settlements across all business silos.

Reduce intraday liquidity and funding costs, mitigate settlement risk and decrease operational costs with access to real-time payment insight and actionable analytics so you can automate and control the release of cash settlements on a firm-wide basis.

Proven and being used in production by a tier 1 bank

Reduce Funding Costs and Settlement Risk with Real-time Intelligence and Payments Control

Relying on outdated, operationally intensive and costly post-trade processes that lack critical real-time payment insight or effective firm-wide payment controls, market participants are often unable to effectively respond to changing market conditions. As a result, intraday funding decisions are taken without an understanding of current payment balances and available liquidity, and outbound payments continue without the reassurance that counterparty payments have been reciprocated. This can generate funding challenges and unnecessary settlement risk exposure.

Core-Payments has been designed to overcome these challenges and bring complete visibility and control to the end-to-end post-trade payment process. Reconciling payments in real-time, Core-Payments provides users with access to the real-time payment intelligence needed to make informed intraday funding, liquidity and risk management decisions and efficiently orchestrate the controlled and automated release of safe cash settlements across all business areas and payments flows.

Core-Payments: Redefine How You Run Your Payments Business.

Increase Financial Resilience and Decrease Funding Requirements with Baton’s New Real-time Intraday Liquidity Management Capabilities

Reduce Intraday Funding Costs and Capital Footprint

The Real-time reconciliation of inbound and outbound payments on a statement vs ledger basis enables Core-Payments to provide users with real-time visibility of funding balances and available liquidity. Armed with this insight and increased netting capabilities, users can then orchestrate and optimise the timing and sequencing of wholesale payments and settlements to reduce intraday funding costs.

Enhanced Risk Management, Supervision and Compliance

Reduce settlement, operational and payments risk exposure with automated collaborative workflows, supplemented with alerts, direct access to real-time and historic settlement data, and no-code rules for increased payment control. By creating or editing these rules users can immediately stop, and manage the controlled release of, all required payments and settlements in times of market stress.

Reduce Operational Costs

Automating previously manually processes such as payment reconciliations, pre-settlement affirmations and payment netting, Core-Payments allows banks to increase operational efficiencies, reduce the costs associated with managing breaks and fails, and retire legacy technology stacks in a controlled manner.

Revenue Growth Opportunities

Scale your business without the capacity constraints often generated by manual and outdated operational and risk processes and legacy technologies.

Improve Client Satisfaction

Introduce flexible and automated post-trade processes that more effectively meet client requirements. Increase payment control by identifying potential failures before they happen, and more swiftly resolve issues with access to real-time data.

Future Proof Your Payments Business

Accelerate post-trade processes to accommodate shorter settlement cycles whilst maintaining payment controls and efficiencies. Ensure systems conform to new messaging standards and benefit from solutions interoperable with emerging industry products and processes.

Gain Real-time Insight and Control without Imposing New Technology on Counterparties with:

  • Real-time visibility to funding balances and in/outbound payments
  • Configurable, automated netting and pre-settlement affirmations
  • Automated inbound and outbound real-time payment reconciliation
  • Calculation of real-time settlement risk exposure, as well as a clear view of current and forecast funding requirements at the currency level
  • Programmable payment control with instantly implemented and completely configurable payment hold and release controls to better manage settlement risk, funding and error queues
  • Tools to design payment strategies whilst ensuring throughput targets are met, and to stress for financial / liquidity resilience

Watch this video to learn more about Baton Core-Payments

Core-Payments®: Real-time Wholesale Payment Risk Control



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Learn about Baton's CORE solutions for FX Settlement, Liquidity and Collateral Management


Safely settle bilateral FX trades, when you want to - immediately and on-demand via PvP.



With Core-Liquidity, asset ownership can be transferred in real time, on demand, 24/7, in a legally enforceable way.



With Core-Collateral, FCMs and CCPs can automate and optimise collateral holdings and expedite the movement of cash and securities.


Contact our Experts

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