Core-Payments®: Real-time Wholesale Payment Risk Management

Immediately stop and control the release of all required payments and settlements in times of market stress

Configurable, automated and robust no-code hold and release payment controls – quickly created and instantly implemented across all business areas and payment flows

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Watch to learn how our no-code rules help mitigate payment risk

Manage Payment Risk and Settlement Failures

Market participants and policy makers are increasingly focused on wholesale payment risk management. In times of market volatility or when a counterparty becomes a concern, just one erroneous payment could result in existential risk.

However, managing wholesale payment risk on a firm-wide basis can prove technically challenging and operationally intensive. Payments are generated by diverse business areas and across various flows governed by siloed applications controlled at the business level.

Enabling banks to manage wholesale payment risk at scale, Core-Payment’s no-code hold and release rules introduce a new level of control. Strengthening operational resilience across the entire payments process, our no-code rules can be configured to immediately stop all required payments from being executed across all business areas and flows.

Core-Payment’s no-code rules provide yet another example of how Baton Core’s interoperable and extensible business-led design enables banks to put in place smart and highly configurable workflows and effective controls.

Reduce Settlement Failures with Robust Payment Controls

Core-Payment’s no-code hold rules can be quickly and easily created or modified. Configurable at a counterparty, currency, value and date level these rules enable users to immediately stop all payments and settlements that meet the required criteria, from being executed across all business lines and payment flows.

Informed and Controlled Payment Release

Reconciling inbound and outbound payments in real-time, on a statement vs ledger basis, users can access real-time payments intelligence and understand if their counterparties have met their obligations. Armed with this intraday insight, users can then effectively manage the structured release of payments and settlements using configurable rules.

Improve Operational Resilience with Controlled Payment Release

Our no-code rules can be configured to manage the release of held payments and settlements, and the levels of approval required by personnel. Users also have access to full visibility of queued and released payments.

Systematically Manage Payment Risk at Scale with Automation

Core-Payment’s no-code rules allow firms to put in place robust payment controls in a systematic, automated and scalable manner. Eliminating the bursts of high intensity, manual processes that are typically activated today in times of market stress – no-code hold rules can be instantly and automatically applied in a consistent manner across all business areas and payment flows.

Quickly Create Configurable Rules without Technical Support

Core-Payment’s hold and release rules don’t require code changes. They can be quickly and easily created by business users via the Baton Core-Payment UI without the need for technical support.

Access the Full Audit Trail of Released Payments

Once payments have been released, users can access a full audit trail of the approvals granted authorising these actions.

Access more resources: Mitigating Payment Risk

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