Post-Trade Risk Reduction with Core-Payments
Proactively mitigate post-trade risk with real-time visibility and an advanced level of control across the entire operational lifecycle, wholesale payments process and all business silos.
Post-Trade Risk Reduction Challenges
Reducing post-trade risks – including payment, operational, liquidity and counterparty risk -challenges many banks because they lack real-time visibility of payment and settlement flows, and automated firm-wide risk controls. The limitations of siloed systems, delayed batch-generated data, and escalation processes requiring manual intervention leave firms vulnerable to inefficiencies, operational errors, and potential disruptions.
Core-Payments® enables banks to overcome these constraints providing access to real-time and historical payment intelligence, actionable analytics, and automated, conditional, controls. With the real-time oversight and control required for post-trade risk reduction firms can execute safe and optimised payment and settlement processing across all business areas.
Post-trade Payment Risk Management
Identify. Assess. Mitigate.
- Be immediately notified of emerging risks with low-code real-time alerts – configured based on your criteria and thresholds
- View consolidated data sourced from multiple systems and sorted into your preferred framework using our real-time no-code dashboards
- Focus your expertise on managing risk rather than attempting to gather the data required to do so
- Make informed decisions with easy access to real-time and time-stamped historical post-trade data revealing all state changes up to and including payment
- Assess financial resilience by stress testing for the unexpected and use predictive analytics to visibly expose potential risks and evaluate their impact
- Create low-code risk controls powered by real-time, aggregated, payment data and analysis
- Orchestrate the controlled and automated release of safe cash settlements on a firm-wide basis
- Immediately control the release of all selected payments across all channels with no-code hold and release payment controls
- Automatically adjust payment risk management strategies and controls in response to intraday developments in real-time
Introducing Baton’s no-code payment hold and release rules – just one of the ways Core-Payments provide risk managers with effective post-trade payment controls
Discover Baton’s Real-Time Intraday Liquidity Management Tools
Core-Payments Benefits:
For Risk Managers
Learn more about the benefits Core-Payments offers Risk Managers below.
Reduce Counterparty Risk
Be immediately alerted to and access on-demand real-time payment information to identify, assess and mitigate settlement risks. Then safely settle on a payment on payment (PoP) basis, implementing automated, conditional controls to ensure counterparty payments are only released once the counterparty has fulfilled their obligations.
Reduce Liquidity Risk with Enhanced Financial Resilience
Monitor and manage intraday liquidity in real-time, set low-code alerts to allow for the instant identification of issues. Assess the impact with access to real-time funding balances, available liquidity, exposures and payment forecasts. Then automatically adjust the sequencing of outbound payments to mitigate risk and avoid a liquidity shortfall. Furthermore, stress liquidity by currency or counterparty to enhance financial resilience.
Increase Capacity and Productivity Without Increasing Risk
Enable capacity growth without increasing risk by replacing manual processes with automation to enforce core policies without the need for exceptional approvals. Expand your market footprint by deploying automated safe-settlement via payment on payment (PoP). All powered with Baton’s cloud based technology.
Reduce Payments Risk
Immediately identify the “live” status of payments and receipts with any given counterparty and accurately assess the level of exposure. Then mitigate payment risk by quickly creating, and instantly activating, no-code payment rules to stop and control the release of all required payments and settlements across all business lines and payment flows.
Enhance Payment Supervision
Activate configurable real-time alerts and via Baton’s dashboards view consolidated data sourced from multiple systems and sorted into your preferred framework, in real-time, related to counterparty and liquidity exposures and operational data. Furthermore, our standardised workflow for handling exceptions includes an auditable approvals process.
Reduce Operational Risk
Replace manual processes with automated and simplified payment and settlement processes across client and business silos powered by collaborative, automated workflows. Be alerted in real-time to pending and realised settlement breaks and identify via your real-time dashboard operational bottlenecks and fails across all business silos and payment flows so resolution can quickly commence.
Core-Payments® Achieve Complete Visibility and Control
Webinar Video: Managing Operating Risk and Event Risk in Financial Markets
Contact our Experts
To learn more about our post-trade solutions, please provide your details and one of our experts will contact you shortly